Papers and Presentations
Russell, Katherine R. 2024b. Tone. In Nesi, Hilary & Petar Milin (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Russell, Katherine R. 2024a. A Unified Account of Grammatical Tone and Length in Gã. In Essegbey, James, Brent Henderson, Fiona McLaughlin & Michael Diercks (eds.), Pushing the boundaries: Selected papers from the 51-52 Annual Conference on African Linguistics. (Contemporary African Linguistics). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Russell, Katherine R. 2023b. The phonology of Atchan. Language and Linguistics Compass 17 (4).
Russell, Katherine R. 2023a. Nasalization in Paraguayan Guaraní. In Marianne Huijsmans, D. K. E. Reisinger, and Rose Underhill (eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas 25. Vancouver, BC: UBCWPL, 2023. 131–145.
Russell, Katherine R. 2022b. Interactions of Nasal Harmony and Word-Internal Language Mixing in Paraguayan Guaraní. Languages 7: 67.
Russell, Katherine R. 2022a. Reduplication in Paraguayan Guaraní: A novel prosodic analysis. In Noah Elkins, Bruce Hayes, Jinyoung Jo & Jian-Leat Siah (eds.), Supplemental Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America.
Russell, Katherine R. To appear. A corpus-based study of variation in and extension of two Paraguayan Guaraní nasalisation patterns. Phonology.
Dido, Yao Maxime, Julianne Kapner, Katherine R. Russell & Hannah Sande. To appear. Two case studies of language endangerment and maintenance in Côte d’Ivoire. In Gutova, Evgeniya & Alireza Korangy (eds.), Multilingualism, identity and language endangerment in Africa. New York: Springer.
Garvin, Karee, Anna Macknick, Katherine R. Russell & Hannah Sande. To appear. STAMP morphs and non-pronominal STAMP in West Africa: typology and areal distributions. In Güldemann, Tom & Jakob Lesage (eds.), Linguistic history in West-central Africa between Niger-Congo and Macro-Sudan Belt. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Russell, Katherine R. Submitted to the ACAL55 proceedings. Floating tone in Atchan: Syntactic and phonological considerations.
Russell, Katherine R. & Hannah Sande. Submitted. Tone in Kru languages. In Virginia Beavon-Ham & Keith Snider (eds.), Tone phenomena in African languages. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Lapierre, Myriam & Katherine R. Russell. In prep. A factorial typology of nasalization and oralization processes in Tupí: A case for ABC+q.
Hatch, Lindsay, Alexandra Pfiffner & Katherine R. Russell. In prep. Implosives in the Potou languages. In Bonny Sands, Maida Percival, Didier Demolin & Anne-Maria Fehn (eds.), Non-Pulmonic Consonants. University of Toronto Press.
Russell, Katherine R. In prep. Exceptional auxiliary nasalization in Atchan as suppletive allomorphy.
Russell, Katherine R. In prep. The development of subject negation marking in Eastern Kru.
Russell, Katherine R. 2021. Phonological adaptation of borrowings into Washoe.
Archival collections
Doko, Jeanne, Chrystelle Mélanie Doudjon Gomon, Léocadie Guebeapo, Evelyne Koutouan, Honoré Dogbo Koutouan, Sidonie Mobio, Marcel Paul Djeke Méyandjui, Lindsay Hatch, Rebecca Jarvis, Julianne Kapner, Katherine Russell, and Timothée Kouadio. Materials of the Atchan Language Project, 2021-16, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Agodio, Olivier, Sylvain Bodji, Serikpa Emil, Katherine Russell, and Hannah Sande. Guébie Fieldwork Collection, 2014-15, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Gómez, María, Irma Easty Ovelar, Madeline Bossi, Maksymilian Dabkowski, Emily Drummond, Emily Grabowski, Rebecca Jarvis, Phuong Khuu, Lev Michael, and Katherine Russell. Berkeley Field Methods: Paraguayan Guaraní, 2020-09, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Annang, Ishmael, Tracy Mensah, Hana Altalhi, Bertille Baron, Maya Barzilai, Kiren Chaundry, Lydia Felice, Eric Gasperoni, Sasha Jovanovski, Emilio Luna, Bernie O'Connor, Siyao Peng, Shane Quinn, Katherine Russell, Rebecca Saltzman, Hannah Sande, Malik Stevenson, Isaac Warren, Hannah Q. Wingett, and Luopeng Zheng. Georgetown Field Methods: Gã, 2021-28, California Language Archive, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, University of California, Berkeley,
Edited volumes
with Michael Dierks, Vicki Carstens, Olawale Akingbade and Deborah Morton. In prep. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Invited Presentations
‘Domains of nasalization in Atchan’. Phonological Domains Workshop; UC Berkeley. September 13. Slides.
'Non-local verb nasalization in Atchan'. Workshop on Morphology at Princeton (WOMP); Princeton University. March 22. Poster / Handout.
Conference Presentations
'Wordhood at the heart of Paraguayan Guaraní morphology'. Workshop on Phonological Domains in the Languages of the World, Tromsø, Norway. March 13-15 (with Makysmilian Dąbkowski).
‘Acoustics and aerodynamics of Nghlwa implosives’. Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in special session ‘Illustrations of African Phonologies’ (with Lindsay Hatch & Alexandra Pfiffner).
‘The Atchan Song and Story Corpus: Towards a sustainable, adaptable online resource’. Language Documentation and Archiving Conference; Berlin, Germany, September 6 (with Yao Maxime Dido, Siddharth Ganapathy, Lindsay Hatch, Rebecca Jarvis, and Marie-Anne Xu). Video.
‘Floating tone in Atchan: Syntactic and phonological considerations’. Association of Contemporary African Linguistics (ACAL) 55; McGill University, Montreal, Québec. May 4. Slides.
‘Phonetic and phonological characteristics of bilabial stops in the Potou languages’. Association of Contemporary African Linguistics (ACAL) 55; McGill University, Montreal, Québec, May 3. (with Lindsay Hatch & Alexandra Pfiffner). Slides.
‘Reduplication in Atchan as prosodically conditioned morphological doubling’. Poster at Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP) 21; Leipzig, Germany. February 15. Poster / Handout.
‘Morpheme-specific nasal harmony in Atchan’. Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting; New York City. January 6. Slides.
‘Reduplication in Atchan as prosodically conditioned morphological doubling’. Poster at Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP), virtual. October 20. Handout.
‘Two types of negation in Guébie’. Association of Contemporary African Linguistics (ACAL) 54; University of Connecticut. Storrs, Connecticut. June 14. Handout.
‘TAMP marking on non-pronominal subjects in the Macro-Sudan Belt’. Association of Contemporary African Linguistics (ACAL) 54; University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, June 14. (with Lydia Felice, Karee Garvin, Anna Macknick & Hannah Sande).
‘Variability in Paraguayan Guaraní nasal harmony: Interactions with morphosyntax’. Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting; Denver, Colorado, January 7. Handout.
‘Opposite directionality in [+/-F] agreement: The case of Tupí-Guaraní nasal harmony’. Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting; Denver, Colorado, January 7 (with Myriam Lapierre).
‘The development of subject negation marking across Eastern Kru'. Third AMC Symposium: Change in syntax and phonology: The same or different?. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, December 5. Handout.
‘Paraguayan Guaraní reduplication: A novel prosodic analysis’. Poster at Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP); UCLA, Los Angeles, California, October 21. Poster.
‘Introducing the Twisted Tongues database’. Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Information Structure in African Languages; Porto-Novo, Bénin, July 29 (with Hannah Sande).
‘Nasalization in Atchan: Sensitivity to morpheme identity’.19ème rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie (RFP); Universidade do Porto, Portugal, June 8. Slides.
‘Nasalization in Atchan: Morpheme-specific harmony’. 29th Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm); virtual, May 26. Slides.
‘Morpheme-specific domains of nasalization in Atchan'. Association of Contemporary African Linguistics (ACAL) 53; virtual, April 8. Slides.
‘A novel approach to reduplication across Tupí-Guaraní’. Fourth Symposium on Amazonian Languages (SAL4); UC Berkeley, April 2. Handout.
‘Homescript: Documentation and Development of a Guébie Orthography’. UC Africanist Research Workshop; UC Berkeley, March 11. (with Julianne Kapner)
‘A typology of STAMP morphs in the Macro-Sudan Belt’. Workshop on Diedrich Westermann's legacy; virtual, November 4 (with Hannah Sande and Karee Garvin).
‘Nasal harmony and interactions with lexical strata in Paraguayan Guaraní’. Poster at the Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP) 2021; virtual, October 2. Poster.
‘There is no unified generative analysis of STAMP morphs'. American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM) 5; virtual, August 27 (with Hannah Sande and Karee Garvin).
‘Interaction of tone, segmental auxiliaries, and word order in Guébie TAMP morphology'. World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL) 10; virtual, June 8 (with Hannah Sande).
‘A typological survey of STAMP morphology and phonology in the Macro-Sudan Belt’. World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL) 10; virtual, June 8 (with Hannah Sande and Karee Garvin).
‘Progressive Nasalization in Paraguayan Guaraní: interactions with loanword morphophonology’. Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) 25; virtual, May 29. Slides.
‘A Unified Account of Grammatical Tone and Length in Gã’. Association of Contemporary African Linguistics (ACAL) 51; virtual, April 8. Slides.
‘Grammatical Tone in Mòoré: Phonological Sensitivity to the Phrase Boundary’. Poster at the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting; virtual, January 7. Poster.
‘Morphologically Conditioned Vowel Length in Gã: a Templatic Analysis’. 2019. Poster at the Afranaph Project Development Workshop 3; Washington, D.C.
Working Group Presentations
'Local nasalization in Atchan, a language without nasal consonants'. UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Forum.
'Incorporating previous work on a language and its relatives into your own work.' UC Berkeley Fieldwork Forum (with Alexander Elias and Tyler Lemon).
'Morpheme-specific nasalization in Atchan.' UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Forum.
'Shared experiences: A discussion of collaboration in fieldwork.' UC Berkeley Fieldwork Forum (with Rebecca Jarvis and Julianne Kapner).
'Nasalization in Paraguayan Guaraní.' UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Forum.
'Grammatical Tone and Length in Gã.' UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Forum.
'Fieldwork from a distance.' UC Berkeley Fieldwork Forum.